Stress test on Linux

Download and install the stress test tool sudo amazon-linux-extras install epel -ysudo yum install stress -y Launch the stress test in background (for 800 seconds in that example) sudo stress –cpu 8 –timeout 800 & Check the stress test processes with the top command top Manually stop the stress test (if needed) sudo killall stress

AWS Access Key and Secret Access Key (SIMPLIFIED)

There are two ways to access AWS environments. 1) Console Access 2) Programmatic Access 1) Console Access is when you access to AWS portal with your username and password. The GUI interface 2) In Programmatic Access, you are accessing AWS resources using Command lines, Powershell or SDKs. -> With Programmatic Access, you are accessing using …

Failed to execute child process “usr/bin/vivaldi” Vivaldi Browser

Vivaldi is a great browser, very fast, tons of control, very good for Pravacy and security but at some point, for whatever reason if you are to uninstall Vivaldi and going back to one of the mainstream browsers like Chrome or Firefox, you might encounter errors like below. This is because you uninstalled Vivaldi and …

How to fix Error: Cannot perform an interactive login from a non TTY device

When trying to connect to amazon container services, ECR ( Elastic Container Registry), there are a few steps you need to configure first before successfully connecting, otherwise you will get the error like below. Error: Cannot perform an interactive login from a non TTY device check docker version, if no docker installed, install it first.$docker …

Terraform walk through with AWS creating S3 buckets

Terraform is a IaaC tool developed by Hashicorp. It can be used with multiple platforms like AWS, Microsoft Azure, GCP and provision different environments. Running Terraform is simple, you simply need to install Terraform first on the host you intend to run, whether it be local, remote or cloud hosts. Move to desired location /usr/local/bin. …

My Video Tutorials

Here are some Azure tutorials that I have created.The reason why I create video tutorial is because I can help others while I am improving myself learning.To create a tutorial, I need to know every single details about my topic. Therefore I got to prepare more and learn more by creating these tutorials. These contents …

IaaC and my weapons of choice

With Infrastructure as a Code IaaC, you can manage any infrastructure such as Network, Servers, Storage and Applications. There are many common IaC tools. Although you can use any combination of these tools to create similar solutions, these are strength in each tools and these are my preferences to achieve different goals. Image Templates You …